Sunday, July 7, 2019

9 Most clichéd travel things to do and places to go

From gondola rides to bungee jumping, the most clichéd travel things to do and places to go - with some amazing alternatives.

From safari to swimming with sharks, Venice to Niagara Falls, we present 9 of the world’s most famous, sights, attractions and activities that you should(n’t) do before you die, along with some amazing alternatives.

There are lots more places to visit and things to do on the shortlist but a top 9 is a cliché in itself, so we’ve just done 9. You must have your own personal favourites – let us know what’s the most totally clichéd travel thing you’ve done in the comments section at the bottom.

1. Bungee jumping, New Zealand

Queenstown, New Zealand is one of the world’s epicentres of extreme sporting activities. Every backpacker worth their salt has bungee jumped in NZ, but bungee is only one of many extreme options here – how about a high-speed boat ride down crazy rapids (as Wills ‘n’ Kate did recently on their Royal visit). Or fall backwards in a chair… over a cliff?

bungee jumping, New Zealand

2. Honeymoon, Maldives

The adorable Kate ‘n’ Wills (yes, them again) recently took a second honeymoon in five-star luxury on Noonu Atoll in the Maldives. Why only five-star? Indeed you may ask. The Maldives possibly pips Turks & Caicos as the world’s most popular, and cheesiest, honeymoon destination. You’re right, we’re only jealous.

luxury huts, Maldives

3. Swimming with sharks

This actually looks like fun. These Caribbean reef sharks are pretty cute compared with the great whites that are such a popular attraction in South Africa. If cage-diving with killers frightens the heck out of you, try swimming with ‘endearing, funny mermaids’ – manatees in Florida .

scuba diver swimming with sharks

4. Gondola ride, Venice

It is one of the most enduring images in tourism: a gondola on a canal in Venice, the Rialto bridge in the background, its passengers a couple in the fullest bloom of romance, and a proud gondolier punting along while belting out Giovanni Capurro’s timeless ‘O Sole Mio’.. Just take the Vaporetto!

gondola, Venice

5. Ice skating, New York

Along with proposing marriage in a horse-drawn cart, New York‘s Central Park offers the opportunity for another sweet-as-maple syrup hand-holding moment: ice skating. If you’re no good at it, you’ll need a hand to hold onto. The famous ice rink converts into a swimming pool in the summer.

ice skating rink, New York

6. Niagara Falls

Take a boat trip to see Ontario’s mega natural attraction Niagara Falls up close (be warned, you will definitely get wet), but you won’t have the place to yourself. If you like to view your waterfalls in peace, how about Big Goat Lake Falls in Alaska – you can only see it from a plane or helicopter.

7. Munro-bagging, Scotland

Munro-bagging, if you didn’t know, means trying to climb as many of Scotland’s mountains over 3000 feet high as you can. There are 282 of them, so you better get a move on. A challenge much less undertaken is Marilyn-bagging. A Marilyn (as in Monroe – geddit?) is a hill at least 150 metres (492 feet) high. There are 1217 of them in scotland so you better get a move on…

Glencoe, Scotland

8. Safari, Africa

Telephoto lenses at the ready, lion coming your way. If doing the clichéd thing of riding around in a jeep with lots of other tourists clicking away at the Big Six on the Masai Mara isn’t your cup of tea, there are many other more peaceful, more ecologically-friendly ways of going on safari in Africa. Or you could go on safari a bit closer to home and see wildlife wonders as impressive as giraffes and elephants. Like Shethland. with its puffins, otters and killer whales.

herd of elephants at sunset

9. Seven-star hotel, Dubai

So, you want to do out-do Kate n’ Wills, do you? Swap your five stars, not just for six, but for SEVEN at the iconic/totally over-the-top Burj Al Arab Hotel in dubai You may have to become rather rich first or a celebrity, or preferably both. Or forget the flashiness and seek out the ‘real’ Dubai… by going for a curry. Check out our guide for more ideas.

Burj Al Arab, Dubai


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