Wednesday, September 25, 2019

11 Amazing Facts About Sundarban

11 Amazing Facts About Sundarban

11 Amazing Facts About Sundarban

Sundarbans—the name itself casts a magic spell over innumerable adventurous around the globe. It is indeed a surreal feeling to be sailing through the brackish water, amidst the dense jungle that has been an abode to the majestic Royal Bengal tigers and some of the most venomous reptiles on earth. If you are still wondering in the dark about this region, here we have got 11 amazing points that will illuminate your knowledge about this region.

11. World’s largest Mangrove forest

Sunderbans National Park is the largest mangrove swamp in the world. This place is distinguished by the productive growth of littoral mangrove vegetation. They grow best in these salty coastal waters. So here goes another reason to love our country!
World’s largest Mangrove forest

10. Globe’s largest Delta

This Archipelago is the world’s largest deltaic forest. It is also known as the Bengal Delta or the green delta which is formed by the amalgamation of the two rivers, Ganga and Brahmaputra. It is spread out in an area of almost 1,330 square kilometer in India. If you think that there isn’t any natural zone in India to be celebrated, you’ll be pleased to hear that this evergreen land of mangroves was awarded as a “UNESCO World Heritage Site”.
Globe’s largest Delta

9. Sundarban- Home of Royal Bengal Tiger

These dense evergreen delta-forests are homes to the majestic and fiery Royal Bengal tigers.The Sunderbans Tiger reserve is known to have the largest number of tigers in the entire world.
Sundarban- Home of Royal Bengal Tiger

8. Nature’s own land

This Tropical delta is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. As you perforate into the forests, the serene environment unfolds its enigmatic beauty. During the summer the petals of the Genwa bejewel flower blossoms over the Emerald islands. The other dominant floral species are crab like red flowers of the Kankara and the yellow blooms of Khalsi.
Nature’s own land

7. A conglomeration of islands

If you thought that by ‘conglomeration’ of islands we mean five, six or ten islands then you are mistaken. This Ganga – Bramhaputra delta which is the abode of sundarban is an archipelago of 54 tiny islands!!
A conglomeration of islands

6. A prograding delta

The Sundarban Delta with geo-genetic link to the tectonic Bengal Basin is one of the world’s widest, deepest and most tectonically active deltas. The Sundarban Delta Complex and its surroundings have dynamic physiographical and geomorphologic features. Extensive thick layer of floodplain deposits, rise of sea level and due to various other geographical conditions, the deltas have prograded in phases.
A prograding delta

5. A sight to behold

Sundarban stands out to be the largest tangle of mangrove wetland in tropical Asia. The ideal time to experience the mystic serene of this wonderful deltaic region is between Septembers to march.
 sight to behold

4. One of India’s largest Fishery board

It is an important and distinctive natural resource endowment and is famous for its brackish water fish production and marine fisheries.Sundarban Development Board is conducting a Fishery project covering an area of 50 hectare.
One of India’s largest Fishery board

3. Photographer’s paradise

These emerald islands have their own charm to mesmerize the sight of the photographers as they travel the serene jungles of sundarbans. The forests are the hub of various migratory birds such as Siberian cranes, yellow wagtail, wood sandpiper, Eurasian golden oriole and many more. Among all, the most incredible sight which the photographers die to capture is the royal glace of the stately Bengal tigers. Indeed a scene to behold!
Photographer’s paradise

2. Beware of the Reptiles!

From poisonous and vicious snakes to wimpy chameleons and salamanders to beasty crocodiles, if you like to steer clear of reptiles, then think twice before visiting this place. However, if you are a sucker for pristine nature, then the sight of crocodiles sun bathing on the banks of the back waters will surely blow you away!
Beware of the Reptiles!

1. Depot of adventurers

If you love traveling through dense forests with wild animals and even wilder nature surrounding you, then sundarbans is simply your place to be.
Depot of adventurers

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11 Amazing Facts About Sundarban

11 Amazing Facts About Sundarban Sundarbans—the name itself casts a magic spell over innumerable adventurous around the globe. It i...