Thursday, July 4, 2019

Importance of Education in Life & Society

Importance of Education in Life & Society
Education in a child life affects his overall quality of life in the society and employment.

So, education is an essential and indispensable need to live in the modern world. Education contributes to

Ability to read and write
Descent livelihood
Better communication
Use of technology
Secure transactions
Serve society
Knowledge propagation
Social harmony and more
Due to such significance, the governments around the world spend huge funds on it.

They encourage people to study by providing good universities, scholarships, accommodation and other allowances.

The valuable childhood is spent on education so that he could live a better life in the future.

The parents are also eager to educate their child

The demand for education is so high that there is a reasonable level of business involved around it.

A person’s education starts at school, then going to college and finally ends with a degree or PG.

This enables them to take up some related professional work in the future.

Importance of Education in life
Education imparts benefits like

1. Ability to read & write:

Education helps a person to be able to read and write. Most of the information is communicated by writing. Hence, it is the key to many daily activities. A man who has this ability to read is literate.

He can read books, newspapers and signs and symbols. He can understand others views and experiences to add to his knowledge.

It also helps read signboards in the street, at shops, bus, train and air stations. It also helps in day to day activities like banking, shopping and money transaction. Without primary education, one has to rely on others for all the above basic needs.

2. Opportunity to make a decent livelihood:

Education provides a platform for a decent livelihood. One can take up a job in industry or another professional service if he is educated.

Education vs income statistics
Many people of middle and lower income groups have a better lifestyle through proper education. They can meet the technical skills required to land a high pay job.

Some of the professional education courses include healthcare, engineering, law etc.

Hence, education can guarantee a better lifestyle.

3. Helps to communicate better:

A good education helps one communicate better. Communication includes speech, signs, gestures and even body language. A person with better education has refined speech and other ways of communication. Even his body language sounds confident and optimistic due to education.

Without basic education, it would be difficult to write an email, letter or even use a smartphone.

Even if a person travels to a foreign country, he can live there by learning that countries language. He can do it with ease as there are books available to learn that language.

Also, it helps us to communicate better. By speaking in a proper language like the use of correct grammar, pronunciation, etc.

4. Express views and opinions:

Education helps a person to express his opinions in a better manner. He can communicate with the large audience by writing in newspapers,  letters and video recordings.

Many poets, authors are renowned and famous worldwide due to their ability to influence people. This ability though is an inherent talent and education enhances their skill.

One can even communicate professional and personal issues in written form. They can do by email, letters, books, etc. Many people write novels, poems, stories due to their education.

5. Ability to serve the society:

Education also helped in the rise in the number of medical experts, engineers, teachers, etc. To provide services to such a vast population of the world we need many medical and other experts. Through education, we can generate the skilled personnel. This has lead to better health and also an improvement in lifestyle.

6. Use of technology: The food production, medicine, electronic gadgets, automobiles and other luxury items were developed due to the spread of science and technology among the professionals through studies.

So, without basic education, it would be difficult for one to use gadgets of modern technology.

early child education
Even use of social networking sites requires minimal basic education. So education helps us use technology in the better way.

7. Support to the economy: The means of economy and money making have changed with education. It is the primary cause of rising in the employment opportunities all over the world. Without education, a person can only perform lay jobs using his hands and legs. But due to education, he can work using his brain.

The advent of the internet, software and other technology could perform well due to education. This makes us generate colossal income and employment opportunities.

Maybe if people are not educated, these technologies would be of no use to anyone. So such vast income generation is possible due to educated humans.

8. Safe and secure transactions: Nowadays all the money related transactions happen through bank cheques, credit cards, etc. Without education, it would be difficult to understand the terms and processes and depend on others. This can give a chance for misuse to others. Having education would help one rely on to himself and make safer transactions.

9.Mind maturity: The mind gets matured by proper education and training. A person can judge what is right and what is not.  Education makes a person independent and helps him abide by the rules of the land.

He can earn his bread anywhere in the world without being dependent on family or his native state.

It also helps us to improve our discipline, self-control and even a sense of responsibility. Proper education of masses can cut the crime rate and other sorts of social violence.

Importance of education in society:
1. Propagation of knowledge: Transfer of knowledge from one generation to other or from country to other is possible through education.

For example, Newton’s laws which first came to the scientific world in 1700. These are still taught in schools and colleges through books and teachers. These essential laws can be spread to masses to a complete extent with education.

Similarly, the history of countries and the world can be explained to the current society. This helps them learn from the previous mistakes and experiences.

Thus education is a crucial method to pass knowledge of the past to the people of the present.

2.Improvement of technology:

Advances in medicine, war equipment, technology were possible due to constant exploration and research. People of current age carry this exploration. They could do so due to their education and knowledge about the past technology. Since they knew how the previous methods work, they could explore more. People with higher education in science, mathematics, and technology can do this.

Even findings and discoveries are published in magazines and journals to reach the masses. This spread is possible because masses are educated. Without education, they could not read or understand the technological improvements. Once followed, they can try for more betterment.

3. Better Social harmony: Education is a way by which people of different cultures, religions; sects come together during schooling, college, etc. Thus it helps them understand each other better and stay in mutual harmony. Therefore education can improve social harmony.

importance of education
Hence these are the advantages of education which makes it essential in modern life. If one is not educated, he will face different sort of problems. See the differences below.

Difference between Uneducated and educated person;

Qualities Uneducated person Educated person
Confidence Low on confidence in social affairs. Lack of proper education will keep one low in confidence in public affairs. Due to education there is high level of self confidence in social affairs.
Respect Is less respected by society. One notice those without education are less respected than those with proper education. Comparatively well respected.
Ease of life Depends on others to read a sign board or write a bank pay slips etc. Doesn't depend and will be self reliant on most issues.
learning Can gain knowledge of things happening around only by hearing. Gains knowledge of happenings by even reading books, magazines etc.
Growth in life Very difficult to occupy higher positions in society like a parliamentarian, civil officer etc. If proper effort is taken there are many chances to occupy higher positions in society.
Preferences In any position, business, social affairs, the one with lack of education is less preferred compared to educated one. More preferred compared to uneducated one.


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